Emails Created 239132 Messages Received 702891

Keep your real mailbox clean and secure with FUMail – temporary email addresses that are anonymous, secure, and totally free.


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Waiting for incoming emails

Thank you for using our temporary mail service. As a reminder, please be aware that all emails in your inbox will only be available for a period of 10 minutes. This is to protect your privacy and guard against spam. Please make sure to retrieve any important information or documents within this time frame. 

Awesome Features

Features Description


1. What is FUmail and how does it work?

FUmail, also known as disposable mail or throwaway mail, is a temporary email service that allows users to generate a temporary email address that can be used to receive emails. The temporary email address can be used to protect the user's personal email address from spam and scams.

2. How do I create a temporary mail address?

To create a temporary mail address, simply visit a FUmail and generate a new email address. This can typically be done in just a few seconds without the need to register for an account. The generated email address can then be used to receive emails.

3. Can I use temp mail for important or sensitive communication?

We do not recommend using our temporary email service for important or sensitive communication. Our service is designed to provide a temporary and disposable email address that can be used for temporary or disposable purposes only. Since the email address will be automatically deactivated after 10 minutes, any important or sensitive information sent to this address may be lost or inaccessible after this time.

4. How long do temp mail addresses remain active for?

Our temp mail service automatically deactivates and deletes any emails sent to a temp mail address after 10 minutes. This ensures that your privacy is protected and you are not exposed to spam or other unwanted messages.